Videos on the Mass Series – Part 9 “Consecration and Transubstantiation” – Fr. Nathan

“When I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to myself.” (John 12:32) Is this not what occurs at Mass, all creation should bow before him as he is raised up in the hands of a priest for all to behold! We come to Mass to adore the Lord and offer sacrifice, united to the priest, at Mass then, we come to share in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.”

A PDF version is available HERE:

Part one of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part two of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part three of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part four of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part five of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part 6 of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part 7 of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part 8 of the vide0o series may be viewed HERE: