Videos on the Mass Series Part 11 – “The Worthy Reception of the Eucharist” – Fr. Nathan

Having received our Blessed Lord in Holy Communion, it is important for us to take some silent moments to speak with Christ who now reigns in our bodies! Those silent moments that we spend with Him can be among the most intimate encounters we can have with Christ in this life.

A PDF version may be read HERE:

Part one of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part two of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part three of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part four of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part five of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part 6 of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part 7 of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part 8 of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part 9 of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part 10 of the video series may be viewed HERE: