Videos on the Mass Series Part 12 – “The Concluding Rite” – Fr. Jerome

The name for that which we have all experienced, ‘The Mass’, comes from the Latin word ‘Missa’, meaning; “The Sending!” Having been divinized by God the Father through his Son, and in the Holy Spirit, we are now ready to be sent out into the world in the same way that the Son was originally sent from Heaven to earth.

“I give you a new commandment: ‘Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 13:34)

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Part one of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part two of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part three of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part four of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part five of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part 6 of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part 7 of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part 8 of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part 9 of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part 10 of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part 11 of the video series may be viewed HERE: