Videos on the Mass Series – Part 10 – “The Communion Rite” – Fr. Cristino

In the last 50 years, great effort has gone into restoring the image of the Eucharist as a banquet being a fitting image. While it certainly is not the most important image, it definitely is one; especially because of the Mass prefiguring the eternal banquet – the Supper of the Lamb – to which we are all invited.

A PDF version is available HERE:

Part one of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part two of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part three of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part four of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part five of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part 6 of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part 7 of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part 8 of the video series may be viewed HERE:

Part 9 of the video series may be viewed HERE: