Video Series – Understanding the Mass – Fr.Cristino Bouvette

Fr. Cristino’s Lenten series: “Eagerly Have I Desired to Share this Meal with You: Understanding the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass” is a six part lecture series explaining the nature and structure of the Mass. These lectures have been produced as a video series and may be viewed at the following links:

Understanding the Mass, Week 1 of 6, Basic Principles of Liturgy
Understanding the Mass, Week 2 of 6, Preparing for Mass & Introductory Rites
Understanding the Mass, Week 3 of  6, Liturgy of the Word
Understanding the Mass, Week 4 of 6, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Part 1
Understanding the Mass, Week 5 of 6, Liturgy of the Eucharist, Part 2
Understanding the Mass, Week 6 of 6, Concluding Rites and Reflection