Archbishop Smith – “Living in the Word of God” – Pastoral Letter

“Pope Francis wants us to be fully aware of what it means to be baptized, to rejoice in the gift, and to embrace completely the Christian way of living. So, let us ask: “What does it mean to follow Jesus?” In fact, that question can be answered rather simply. It is a matter of listening and doing. An authentic disciple of Jesus Christ is one who first listens to his Word and then puts it into practice.”

Pastoral Letter: A Call to the Clergy and Lay Faithful of the Archdiocese of Edmonton. In this September 2017 letter, Archbishop Smith guides us in how we can listen and do as disciples of Jesus Christ in the Archdiocese of Edmonton.

Download this letter in the format of your choice:

Blue cover, 14 page booklet (PDF)
Text-only on letterhead, 8 pages (PDF)