A Thank You from Fr.Matthew.

As  we begin the summer season, and as this is the last parish bulletin until September, it is an excellent time to
express my appreciation to the whole parish for all that has happened since our arrival in November. My first word of thanks goes to all of you, who have done so much to help the new priests feel welcome and settle in I can say with confidence you have succeeded! So many offers of generosity, of hospitality and cheerful gifts of help. You have filled our bellies and made us smile.

Around our churches there have been so many who have contributed to the well being of our prayer and our prayer
spaces. There have been teams that have looked after beautifying the spaces, the sacristy and the care of our sacred
items, vestments, and accessories, teams that looked after frozen pipes, and leaky roofs,  people who go on trimming,
fixing, weeding, mowing, and gardening. There are teams that continue to look after the needs of celebrating good
liturgy through service, music, and proclamation, those who continue to offer hospitality to foster fellowship following
Mass. There are teams who have helped train and form and support youth to prepare for their sacraments and
helped at the various rituals that followed there are many who have organized acts of service and fundraising for the
well being of the parish and those in need there are humble teams who assist in feeding the poor week after week.
Throughout our parish district there are many families who bring the next generation into our midst breathing life and
hope into our parish community. There are elders who share their memories, wisdom, and guidance.   In all of this we see a living parish a community of families that are bound together by baptism, belief, and union with Christ through the sacraments.

It is early, but as the last publication before August, I express a warm word of deep gratitude to Fr Valentine Suum,
who has served faithfully and happily alongside me in partnership providing me with the ability to respond to the
bishop’s call into active ministry earlier than originally expected. As I have been called to continue with this parish as pastor, I am looking forward to sharing life with you here in service, ministry, friendship, and as Christian family.
Have a blessed and happy summer!

Fr. Matthew Emmelkamp